| Encounter |
Maternal smoking at time of labour/admission
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Self-reported amount of smoking per day closest to time of labour/admission.
Mother resides with smoker at time of labour/admission
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates if birthing person lives with a smoker at time of labour/admission.
Number of Living Children (L)
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
At the time of current pregnancy, the total number of children the pregnant person has given birth to that are presently living.
Alcohol Exposure in Pregnancy
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Self-reported alcohol consumption during pregnancy. A standardized serving of alcohol beverage is approximately a 12oz serving of regular beer (5%), a 5oz glass of wine (12%) or a 1.5oz glass of 40% spirit (SOGC, 2010). If the amount of drinking varied over the course of the pregnancy, estimate the total number of drinks and average it out over the entire pregnancy. Select the one that represents the highest exposure or impact. 'Episodic excessive drinking (binging)'is considered the greatest impact.
Pick List Value:
Less than one drink per month
More than one drink per week
Episodic excessive drinking (binging)
Exposure prior to pregnancy confirmed, amount unknown
Diabetes and Pregnancy
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Diabetes status and type for this pregnancy.
Pick List Value:
Gestational diabetes \ Insulin
Gestational diabetes \ No Insulin
Type II \ Insulin usage unknown
Gestational diabetes \ Insulin Status Unknown
Drug and Substance Exposure in Pregnancy
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicate Maternal self-reported drug and substance use during pregnancy. This refers to the use of street drugs and the inappropriate use of prescription and non-prescription drugs.
Oncology Radiation Therapy Exposure In Pregnancy
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicate whether this women underwent radiation therapy if there is a diagnosis of cancer prior to or during this pregnancy
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Any hypertensive conditions the pregnant person experienced during this pregnancy.
Pick List Value:
Pre-existing Hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia
Infection and Pregnancy
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Any infections during this pregnancy. Select all that apply.
Pick List Value:
Group B Streptococcus (bacteriuria)
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)
Suspected Chorioamnionitis
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Antenatal Exposure to Medications
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Prescription and/or non-prescription (over-the-counter) medication(s) taken during this pregnancy, prior to admission for labour/birth, as documented on the Ontario Perinatal Record and/or Admission history. Select all that apply.
Pick List Value:
OTC/Vitamins/Homeopathic \ Prenatal vitamins (including folic acid)
Prescribed Medications \ Opioid agonist therapy \ Methadone
Prescribed Medications \ Amphetamines
Prescribed Medications \ Opioid agonist therapy \ Buprenorphine monoproduct (Subutex)
OTC/Vitamins/Homeopathic \ Probiotics
Prescribed Medications \ Antibiotics (NOT for GBS prophylaxis)
OTC/Vitamins/Homeopathic \ Iron supplements
Prescribed Medications \ Opioid agonist therapy \ Buprenorphine – naloxone (Suboxone)
Prescribed Medications \ Anticonvulsants (NOT for preeclampsia)
Prescribed Medications \ Opioid agonist therapy \ Slow-release morphine for opioid use disorder
OTC/Vitamins/Homeopathic \ Anti-emetics (OTC)
Prescribed Medications \ Anti-emetics
Prescribed Medications \ Antihistamines
OTC/Vitamins/Homeopathic \ Antihistamines (OTC)
Prescribed Medications \ Antihypertensives
OTC/Vitamins/Homeopathic \ Herbal or homeopathic remedies
OTC/Vitamins/Homeopathic \ Other over the counter medications
Prescribed Medications \ Anti-inflammatory
Prescribed Medications \ Antiretrovirals
Prescribed Medications \ Antirheumatic
Prescribed Medications \ Antiviral
Prescribed Medications \ Cardiovascular
Prescribed Medications \ Chemotherapeutic agents
Prescribed Medications \ Gastrointestinal agents/proton pump inhibitors/H2 blockers
Prescribed Medications \ General anaesthetic
Prescribed Medications \ Insulin
Prescribed Medications \ Metformin
Prescribed Medications \ Opioids
Prescribed Medications \ Progesterone in the first trimester
Prescribed Medications \ Psychotropics
Prescribed Medications \ Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)
Prescribed Medications \ Thyroid medication
Prescribed Medications \ Other prescription
Unknown prescription or OTC exposure
Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Self-disclosed threat of or actual physical, sexual, psychological, verbal, emotional, or financial abuse in the current relationship.
Folic Acid
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Use of folic acid prior to and during pregnancy
Pick List Value:
Preconception and during pregnancy
Generic Comment
Antenatal General (AG), Birth Child (BC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
BORN collects this variable but due to personal health information (PHI) or sensitivity it is not available for data request.
Data Definition:
Comment to capture details not identified in other data elements.
All Indications for Induction of Labour
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
All indications for induction of labour. Induction refers to the initiation of labour.
Pick List Value:
Maternal \ Abnormal biomarkers (eg. PAPP-A, PlGF, and HCG)
Fetal \ Atypical/abnormal fetal surveillance by electronic fetal monitor (eg: non-stress test [NST]) or ultrasound (eg: Biophysical Profile [BPP] or Doppler flow studies)
Maternal \ Cholestasis of Pregnancy
Fetal \ Intrauterine fetal death (IUFD)
Fetal \ Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
Fetal \ Isoimmunization/Alloimmunization (eg: Rh disease)
Fetal \ Suspected Macrosomia
Fetal \ Multiple gestation
Fetal \ Other Fetal Complication
Fetal \ Post dates pregnancy ≥ 41+0 weeks
Fetal \ Termination of Pregnancy
Maternal \ Elevated Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI)
Maternal \ History of precipitous birth
Maternal \ History of previous intrauterine fetal death (IUFD)
Maternal \ In-vitro fertilization (IVF)
Maternal \ Oligohydramnios
Maternal \ Polyhydramnios
Maternal \ Preeclampsia/Hypertension
Maternal \ Pre-existing maternal medical conditions
Maternal \ Pregnant individual age >=40
Maternal \ Prelabour rupture of membranes (PROM)
Maternal \ Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM)
Maternal \ Prolonged latent phase labour (> 20 hours in nulliparas or > 14 hours in multiparas)
Other \ Accommodates Care Provider/Organization
Other \ Distance from birth hospital/Safety precaution
Maternal \ Other Obstetrical Complications/Concerns
All indication(s) for Cesarean birth
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
All medical and non-medical indications for cesarean birth.
Pick List Value:
Fetal \ Atypical or abnormal fetal surveillance (eg: NST, U/S such as BPP or Doppler flow studies)
Fetal \ Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)
Fetal \ Suspected Macrosomia
Fetal \ Malposition/Malpresentation
Maternal \ Cholestasis of pregnancy
Maternal \ Failed forceps/vacuum
Maternal \ Failed Induction
Maternal \ Gestational hypertension
Maternal \ Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Maternal \ Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
Maternal \ Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy - Eclampsia
Maternal \ Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy - HELLP
Maternal \ Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy - Preeclampsia
Maternal \ Maternal Health Condition(s)
Maternal \ Multiple gestation
Maternal \ Nonprogressive first stage of labour
Maternal \ Nonprogressive second stage of labour
Maternal \ Other Obstetrical Complication
Maternal \ Placenta Increta/Accreta/Percreta
Maternal \ Placenta previa
Maternal \ Placental abruption
Maternal \ Prelabour Rupture of Membranes (PROM) in pregnant individuals with planned Cesarean Birth
Maternal \ Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM) in pregnant individuals with planned Cesarean Birth
Maternal \ Previous Cesarean birth
Maternal \ Previous T incision/classical incision/uterine surgery
Maternal \ Previous uterine rupture
Maternal \ Suspected chorioamnionitis
Maternal \ Uterine rupture
Maternal \ VBAC - Declined VBAC
Maternal \ VBAC - Failed attempt
Maternal \ VBAC - Not eligible
Other \ Accommodates Care Provider/Organization
Fetal \ Other Fetal Indication
Pharmacologic Pain Management
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Pharmacologic method(s) used, only for the management of labour pain. Non-pharmacologic methods are found in the Supportive Care data element.
Pick List Value:
Spinal-epidural combination
Anesthesia for Cesarean Section
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Method(s) of anesthesia for cesarean birth.
Pick List Value:
Spinal-epidural combination
Person Transfer From
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Indicate the location where intrapartum care took place immediately before this admission/midwifery visit. If no care was provided directly before this encounter, select “No Transfer”.
Pick List Value:
Planned Home or Clinic Birth
Other unit, same hospital
Maternal Transfer Hospital From
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Indicates the location where intrapartum care took place immediately before this admission. If no care was provided directly before this encounter, select “No Transfer”.
Maternal Transfer Hospital To (In Birth)
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates the hospital that the birthing person was transferred to, within one hour of birth.
Maternal Transfer Hospital To In Labour
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates the hospital that the birthing person was transferred to during labour.
Intrapartum Admission by Health care provider
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Health care provider type responsible for admission to organization for labour and birth.
Pick List Value:
Nurse Practitioner (APN/CNS)
Bishop Score
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates Bishop Score based on the 5 factors of position, consistency, cervical length in cm, dilation, and fetal station. Bishop score is a pre-labour evaluation used in predicting whether induction of labour will be successful.
The SOGC strongly recommends documentation of the Bishop Score prior to induction of labour (IOL). A score of 7 or more is associated with successful IOL.
Time Waiting
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Interval of time from when the birthing person is fully dilated and begins to push. Automatically calculated based on the time fully dilated and the time started pushing.
Time Pushing
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Interval of time from when the birthing person started pushing to the time of birth. Automatically calculated based on the time started pushing and the time of birth.
Total Second Stage
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Interval of time from when the birthing person is fully dilated to the time of birth. Automatically calculated based on the time fully dilated and the time of birth.
MW - Intrapartum Consult Reason
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Conditions or complications in intrapartum period resulting in consultation with physician and/or transfer of care.
Pick List Value:
Pregnant individual age ≥40
Other condition or complication, specify:
Other Fetal condition(s), specify:
Augmentation \ Prostaglandin
Lacerations \ Cervical tear
Labour and Birth Complications \ Atypical or abnormal fetal surveillance
Labour and Birth Complications \ Meconium
Labour and Birth Complications \ Cord prolapse
Labour and Birth Complications \ Shoulder dystocia
Labour and Birth Complications \ Fever >38.5 C
Labour and Birth Complications \ Nonprogressive first stage of labour
Labour and Birth Complications \ Nonprogressive second stage of labour
Labour and Birth Complications \ Placental Abruption
Labour and Birth Complications \ Uterine rupture
Labour and Birth Complications \ Uterine dehiscence
Labour and Birth Complications \ Retained Placenta Manual Removal
Labour and Birth Complications \ Retained Placenta Surgical Removal
Labour and Birth Complications \ Postpartum hemorrhage (within 1st hour of birth)
Labour and Birth Complications \ Uterine Atony
Labour and Birth Complications \ Perineal Hematoma
Labour and Birth Complications \ Pulmonary Embolism
Labour and Birth Complications \ Hysterectomy
Labour and Birth Complications \ Other
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ Anomalies
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ Isoimmunization
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ IUGR
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ LGA
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ Oligohydramnios
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ Polyhydramnios
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ Other
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Anemia unresponsive to therapy
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Antepartum Bleeding ( Persistent and unexplained)
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Requiring Hospital Admission)
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Preterm labour
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Preterm premature rupture of membranes (P-PROM)
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Prelabour rupture of membranes (PROM)
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Other
Complications of Pregnancy \ Placental \ Placental Abruption
Complications of Pregnancy \ Placental \ Placenta accreta
Complications of Pregnancy \ Placental \ Placenta increta
Complications of Pregnancy \ Placental \ Placenta percreta
Complications of Pregnancy \ Placental \ Placenta previa
Complications of Pregnancy \ Placental \ Other
Diabetes \ Gestational diabetes \ Insulin
Diabetes \ Gestational diabetes \ No Insulin
Diabetes \ Gestational diabetes \ Insulin Status Unknown
Diabetes \ Type II \ Insulin
Diabetes \ Type II \ No Insulin
Infection in pregnancy \ Chlamydia
Infection in pregnancy \ Gonorrhea
Infection in pregnancy \ Group B Streptococcus
Infection in pregnancy \ Hepatitis A
Infection in pregnancy \ Hepatitis B
Infection in pregnancy \ Hepatitis C
Infection in pregnancy \ Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection
Infection in pregnancy \ HIV
Infection in pregnancy \ HPV
Infection in pregnancy \ Seasonal Influenza
Infection in pregnancy \ Viruses - Other
Infection in pregnancy \ Other Infections
Infection in pregnancy \ Venerial Disease
Hypertension Disorder in Pregnancy \ Gestational Hypertension
Hypertension Disorder in Pregnancy \ Preeclampsia
Hypertension Disorder in Pregnancy \ Pre-existing Hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia
Hypertension Disorder in Pregnancy \ Eclampsia
Hypertension Disorder in Pregnancy \ HELLP
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Amphetamines
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Anti-emetics
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Narcotics
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Other
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Other prescription
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Selective Seritonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Thyroid
Mental Health Concerns \ Anxiety
Mental Health Concerns \ Depression
Mental Health Concerns \ History of Post Partum Depression
Mental Health Concerns \ Addiction
Mental Health Concerns \ Bipolar
Mental Health Concerns \ Schizophrenia
Mental Health Concerns \ Other
Pain Management \ Epidural
Pain Management \ Opioids
Pain Management \ Pudendal
Pain Management \ Spinal-epidural combination
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Autoimmune \ Lupus
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Autoimmune \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cancer \ Diagnosed in Pregnancy
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cancer \ Prior to Pregnancy
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cardiovascular \ Cardiovascular Disease
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cardiovascular \ Congenital Heart Defect
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cardiovascular \ Congenital Heart Disease
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cardiovascular \ Pre-existing Hypertension
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cardiovascular \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Diabetes \ Diabetes Type I
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Diabetes \ Diabetes Type II - Insulin
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Diabetes \ Diabetes Type II - No Insulin
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Diabetes \ Type Unknown
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Endocrine \ Hyperthyroidism
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Endocrine \ Hypothyroidism
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Endocrine \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Gastrointestinal \ Cholecystitis
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Gastrointestinal \ Colitis
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Gastrointestinal \ Crohns
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Gastrointestinal \ Hepatitis
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Gastrointestinal \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Genito Urinary \ Renal Disease
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Genito Urinary \ Uterine Anomalies
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Genito Urinary \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Haematology \ Chronic Anemia
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Haematology \ Gestational Thrombocytopenia
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Haematology \ Sickle Cell Disease
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Haematology \ Thrombophilia
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Haematology \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Neurology \ Epilepsy/Seizures
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Neurology \ Multiple Sclerosis
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Neurology \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Pulmonary \ Asthma
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Pulmonary \ Previous Pulmonary Embolism/DVT
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Pulmonary \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Substance/Alcohol Abuse
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Other
Type of Birth \ Assisted Vaginal
Type of Birth \ Induced or Spontaneous Labour Cesarean Section
Type of Birth \ No Labour - Cesarean Section
MW - Intrapartum Consult Reason All
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
All conditions or complications in intrapartum period resulting in consultation with physician and/or transfer of care.
Pick List Value:
Pregnant individual age ≥40
Other condition or complication, specify:
Other Fetal condition(s), specify:
Augmentation \ Prostaglandin
Lacerations \ Cervical tear
Labour and Birth Complications \ Atypical or abnormal fetal surveillance
Labour and Birth Complications \ Meconium
Labour and Birth Complications \ Cord prolapse
Labour and Birth Complications \ Shoulder dystocia
Labour and Birth Complications \ Fever >38.5 C
Labour and Birth Complications \ Nonprogressive first stage of labour
Labour and Birth Complications \ Nonprogressive second stage of labour
Labour and Birth Complications \ Placental Abruption
Labour and Birth Complications \ Uterine rupture
Labour and Birth Complications \ Uterine dehiscence
Labour and Birth Complications \ Retained Placenta Manual Removal
Labour and Birth Complications \ Retained Placenta Surgical Removal
Labour and Birth Complications \ Postpartum hemorrhage (within 1st hour of birth)
Labour and Birth Complications \ Uterine Atony
Labour and Birth Complications \ Perineal Hematoma
Labour and Birth Complications \ Pulmonary Embolism
Labour and Birth Complications \ Hysterectomy
Labour and Birth Complications \ Other
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ Anomalies
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ Isoimmunization
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ IUGR
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ LGA
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ Oligohydramnios
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ Polyhydramnios
Complications of Pregnancy \ Fetal \ Other
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Anemia unresponsive to therapy
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Antepartum Bleeding ( Persistent and unexplained)
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Requiring Hospital Admission)
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Preterm labour
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Preterm premature rupture of membranes (P-PROM)
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Prelabour rupture of membranes (PROM)
Complications of Pregnancy \ Maternal \ Other
Complications of Pregnancy \ Placental \ Placental Abruption
Complications of Pregnancy \ Placental \ Placenta accreta
Complications of Pregnancy \ Placental \ Placenta increta
Complications of Pregnancy \ Placental \ Placenta percreta
Complications of Pregnancy \ Placental \ Placenta previa
Complications of Pregnancy \ Placental \ Other
Diabetes \ Gestational diabetes \ Insulin
Diabetes \ Gestational diabetes \ No Insulin
Diabetes \ Gestational diabetes \ Insulin Status Unknown
Diabetes \ Type II \ Insulin
Diabetes \ Type II \ No Insulin
Infection in pregnancy \ Chlamydia
Infection in pregnancy \ Gonorrhea
Infection in pregnancy \ Group B Streptococcus
Infection in pregnancy \ Hepatitis A
Infection in pregnancy \ Hepatitis B
Infection in pregnancy \ Hepatitis C
Infection in pregnancy \ Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection
Infection in pregnancy \ HIV
Infection in pregnancy \ HPV
Infection in pregnancy \ Seasonal Influenza
Infection in pregnancy \ Viruses - Other
Infection in pregnancy \ Other Infections
Infection in pregnancy \ Venerial Disease
Hypertension Disorder in Pregnancy \ Gestational Hypertension
Hypertension Disorder in Pregnancy \ Preeclampsia
Hypertension Disorder in Pregnancy \ Pre-existing Hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia
Hypertension Disorder in Pregnancy \ Eclampsia
Hypertension Disorder in Pregnancy \ HELLP
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Amphetamines
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Anti-emetics
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Narcotics
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Other
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Other prescription
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Selective Seritonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Medication Exposure in Pregnancy \ Thyroid
Mental Health Concerns \ Anxiety
Mental Health Concerns \ Depression
Mental Health Concerns \ History of Post Partum Depression
Mental Health Concerns \ Addiction
Mental Health Concerns \ Bipolar
Mental Health Concerns \ Schizophrenia
Mental Health Concerns \ Other
Pain Management \ Epidural
Pain Management \ Opioids
Pain Management \ Pudendal
Pain Management \ Spinal-epidural combination
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Autoimmune \ Lupus
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Autoimmune \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cancer \ Diagnosed in Pregnancy
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cancer \ Prior to Pregnancy
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cardiovascular \ Cardiovascular Disease
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cardiovascular \ Congenital Heart Defect
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cardiovascular \ Congenital Heart Disease
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cardiovascular \ Pre-existing Hypertension
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Cardiovascular \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Diabetes \ Diabetes Type I
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Diabetes \ Diabetes Type II - Insulin
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Diabetes \ Diabetes Type II - No Insulin
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Diabetes \ Type Unknown
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Endocrine \ Hyperthyroidism
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Endocrine \ Hypothyroidism
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Endocrine \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Gastrointestinal \ Cholecystitis
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Gastrointestinal \ Colitis
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Gastrointestinal \ Crohns
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Gastrointestinal \ Hepatitis
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Gastrointestinal \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Genito Urinary \ Renal Disease
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Genito Urinary \ Uterine Anomalies
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Genito Urinary \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Haematology \ Chronic Anemia
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Haematology \ Gestational Thrombocytopenia
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Haematology \ Sickle Cell Disease
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Haematology \ Thrombophilia
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Haematology \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Neurology \ Epilepsy/Seizures
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Neurology \ Multiple Sclerosis
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Neurology \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Pulmonary \ Asthma
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Pulmonary \ Previous Pulmonary Embolism/DVT
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Pulmonary \ Other
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Substance/Alcohol Abuse
Pre-existing Health Condition \ Other
Type of Birth \ Assisted Vaginal
Type of Birth \ Induced or Spontaneous Labour Cesarean Section
Type of Birth \ No Labour - Cesarean Section
Was prenatal genetic screening offered?
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates whether prenatal genetic screening was offered.
Pick List Value:
Yes, screening was offered
No, screening was not offered
Unknown if screening was offered – no access to the OPR
Unknown if screening was offered – other reason
Counselled and declined screening
Supportive Care
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates use of non-pharmacological methods, only for the management of labour pain. Pharmacological methods are found in the Pharmacologic Pain Management data element.
Pick List Value:
1:1 Supportive care by clinical staff/care provider
Hypnobirthing/guided imagery
Sterile water/saline injections
Intrapartum Medications Administered
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Medication(s) administered during the intrapartum period.
Pick List Value:
Magnesium Sulfate for preeclampsia
Magnesium Sulfate for fetal neuroprotection
Antibiotics (not for GBS or surgical prophylaxis)
Antipyrexics (example: acetaminophen)
Tocolytics (Mag sulfate/indomethecine/nifedipine/ ritodrine)
Estimated Date of Birth (EDB)
Antenatal General (AG), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Non-Invasive Pre-Natal Testing (NIPT), Multiple Marker Screening (MMS)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Estimated date of birth as per ultrasound or Nägele's rule.
Pregnancy/Birth outcome
Antenatal General (AG), Birth Child (BC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
Outcome of the pregnancy/birth, including live birth, stillbirth, termination, and loss.
BORN encourages all hospitals to complete a Labour Birth encounter for all pregnancy losses.
Pick List Value:
Pregnancy Loss <20 weeks and <500 gms \ Spontaneous Miscarriage
Pregnancy Loss <20 weeks and <500 gms \ Termination
Stillbirth at >=20wks or >=500gms \ Spontaneous - Occurred during antepartum period
Stillbirth at >=20wks or >=500gms \ Spontaneous - Occurred during intrapartum period
Stillbirth at >=20wks or >=500gms \ Termination
Number of Fetuses
Antenatal General (AG), Genetics/Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Non-Invasive Pre-Natal Testing (NIPT), Multiple Marker Screening (MMS), Amniotic fluid alpha fetoprotein (AFAFP)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Number of fetuses in the current pregnancy. For Prenatal Screening Follow Up encounters, this field refers to the number of fetuses that the prenatal screening result was based on.
Preexisting Health Conditions (Outside of pregnancy)
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Health conditions that are present before pregnancy. Select all that apply.
Pick List Value:
Cancer \ Prior to Pregnancy
Cardiovascular \ Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular \ Congenital Heart Defect
Cardiovascular \ Congenital Heart Disease
Cardiovascular \ Pre-existing Hypertension
Diabetes \ Diabetes Type I
Diabetes \ Diabetes Type ll – insulin-dependent
Diabetes \ Diabetes Type II – insulin usage unknown
Diabetes \ Diabetes Type ll – not insulin-dependent
Diabetes \ Diabetes type unknown
Endocrine \ Hypothyroidism | Managed
Endocrine \ Hypothyroidism | Unmanaged
Endocrine \ Hypothyroidism | Management Unknown
Endocrine \ Hyperthyroidism | Managed
Endocrine \ Hyperthyroidism | Unmanaged
Endocrine \ Hyperthyroidism | Management Unknown
Gastrointestinal \ Colitis
Gastrointestinal \ Crohns
Gastrointestinal \ Hepatitis
Gastrointestinal \ Live/Gallbladder | Cholecystitis
Gastrointestinal \ Liver/Gallbladder | Other
Genito Urinary \ Renal Disease
Genito Urinary \ Uterine Anomalies
Haematology \ Chronic Anemia
Haematology \ Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia
Haematology \ Sickle Cell Disease
Haematology \ Thrombophilia
Musculoskeletal \ Musculoskeletal (Unspecified)
Neurology \ Epilepsy/Seizures | Pre-existing
Neurology \ Multiple Sclerosis
Pulmonary \ Asthma | Pre-existing
Pulmonary \ Previous Pulmonary Embolism/DVT
Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion
Preexisting Health Conditions (Outside of pregnancy) Other
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Health conditions that are present before pregnancy that are not already listed.
Maternal Height (cm)
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Height, measured in imperial or metric units. Reported in metric units.
Maternal Height Is Unknown
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Height is not known.
Maternal Height unit of measure used for entering data through UI interface
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Maternal Height value entered by user through UI
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Pre-pregnancy Maternal Weight (kg)
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Self-reported weight closest to conception and no later than 12 weeks of gestation (metric or imperial units).
Pre-pregnancy Maternal Weight Is Unknown
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Pre-pregnancy weight is not known.
Pre-pregnancy Maternal Weight unit of measure used for data entry on the UI
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Pre-pregnancy Maternal Weight value entered by user through UI
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Pre-pregnancy Maternal Weight value entered by user through UI
Maternal BMI
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI) defined as weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres (kg/m2). Auto-calculated.
Maternal smoking at first prenatal visit
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Self-reported amount of smoking per day at time of first prenatal visit.
Mother resides with smoker at first prenatal visit
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Resides with smoker at first prenatal visit.
Maternal Age at time of Stillbirth or Live Birth
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Age of birthing person at time of live birth or stillbirth. Automatically calculated field.
Gravida (G)
Antenatal General (AG), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Total number of previous pregnancies plus present pregnancy regardless of gestational age, type, time or method of termination/outcome. A pregnancy with twins/multiples is counted as one pregnancy.
Number of Previous Term Pregnancies (T)
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Total number of previous pregnancies with birth occurring at greater than or equal to 37+0 weeks.
Number of Previous Preterm Pregnancies (P)
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Total number of previous pregnancies with birth occurring between 20+0 and 36+6 weeks.
Number of Previous Stillbirths (S)
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Total number of previous pregnancies resulting in a stillbirth. A stillbirth is defined as a product of conception weighing 500 grams or more or of 20+0 or more weeks’ gestation, which after being completely delivered shows no sign of life. Intentional terminations of pregnancy that meet either criterion are also classified as stillbirths in Ontario.
Number of Previous Vaginal Births
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Total number of previous pregnancies resulting in a vaginal birth occurring at greater than or equal to 20+0 weeks gestation. Number excludes current pregnancy. Multiple gestations are counted as one birth event.
Number of Previous Cesarean Births
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Total number of previous pregnancies resulting in a cesarean birth occurring at greater than or equal to 20+0 weeks gestation. Number excludes current pregnancy. Multiple gestations are counted as one birth event.
Number of previous VBACs
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Total number of previous vaginal births after cesarean birth (VBAC).
Number of Previous Abortions (A)
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Total number of spontaneous or therapeutic abortions occurring prior to 20+0 weeks. Spontaneous abortions include miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, missed abortion, and molar pregnancy.
Prenatal Education
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates whether patient/client attended any prenatal education classes during the current pregnancy. This includes online education requiring registration or enrollment as well as in-person classes and does not include prenatal education provided by midwives/nurses/physicians during routine antenatal care visits.
Pick List Value:
Yes - In-person prenatal education only
Yes - Online prenatal education only
Yes - Combination of in-person and online prenatal education
Yes - Unknown method of education delivery
No - Patient/client did not receive prenatal education
Unknown if patient/client received prenatal education
First Trimester Visit
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates prenatal visit with a regulated health care provider during the first trimester (<13+0 weeks) of the current pregnancy.
Intention to Breastfeed
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates intention to feed infant human milk, regardless of the method of feeding. Includes intention to feed at the breast/chest, or provide expressed or donor milk. Self-reported during pregnancy or at time of birth.
Pick List Value:
Yes, intends to exclusively breastfeed
Yes, intends to combination feed (use breast milk and breast milk substitute)
No, does not intend to breastfeed
Unknown, intent not collected
Mental Health Concerns
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicate any mental health concerns during this pregnancy including those pre-existing, diagnosed during pregnancy or active during pregnancy. Both diagnosed or self-reported.
Pick List Value:
History of Postpartum Depression
Fetal Surveillance
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicate all fetal surveillance methods that were used at anytime during this admission (including admission EFM strips)
Pick List Value:
Intrapartum EFM (external)
Intrapartum EFM (internal)
Admission to Birth Duration (Hours and Minutes)
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
The Admission to Birth Duration: Length of Stay in hospital (in hours and minutes) from Maternal Admission date/time to date/time of Birth. This is a calculated field.
Maternal Antenatal Healthcare Provider(s)
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Designation of the health care provider(s) (HCP) that provided antenatal care.
Pick List Value:
Nurse Practitioner (APN/CNS)
Maternal Weight at end of Pregnancy
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Enter the last documented patient/client weight in pregnancy.
Maternal Weight At End Of Pregnancy -Declined weight check
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Select if the patient/client declined weight checks at the end of pregnancy.
Maternal Weight at end of Pregnancy is Unknown
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Maternal self-reported weight closest to the end of pregnancy.
Maternal Weight at end of Pregnancy unit of measure used for entry on UI
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Maternal Weight value entered by user through UI
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Maternal Weight value entered by user through UI
Maternal weight loss/gain in pregnancy
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Calculated field of weight gain in pregnancy.
Maternal Date of Admission
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
The date of maternal admission to hospital that results in the birth of her baby. Most often admission is inpatient but birth and transfer may occur without inpatient admission-may use ambulatory care admit time or ER triage time.
Maternal Time of Admission for intrapartum care
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
The time of maternal admission to hospital that results in the birth of her baby. Most often admission is inpatient but birth and transfer may occur without inpatient admission-may use ambulatory care admit time or ER triage time.
Type of Labour
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates the type of labour as active labour (dilation greater than or equal to 4 cm) achieved without intervention(s) such as cervical ripening, amniotomy, oxytocin, misoprostol; induced in latent phase (dilation up to and including 3 cm); induced prior to contractions (cold induction); or, if there was no labour or latent phase only.
Pick List Value:
Active labour achieved without any intervention
Induced labour in latent phase
Induced labour prior to onset of contractions (‘cold induction’)
No labour or latent phase only
Type of Birth (Calculated)
Birth Child (BC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
When entering Type of Birth in the maternal encounters in the event of multiple births, enter the highest intervention. On the child encounters, enter the actual Type of Birth for each infant.
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicate presenting part of fetus during birthing process
Pick List Value:
Cephalic \ Cephalic Type Unknown
Breech \ Breech Type Unknown
Primary Indication for Induction of Labour
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicate the primary medical or non-medical reason for labour induction.
Pick List Value:
Maternal \ Abnormal biomarkers (eg. PAPP-A, PlGF, and HCG)
Fetal \ Atypical/abnormal fetal surveillance by electronic fetal monitor (eg: non-stress test [NST]) or ultrasound (eg: Biophysical Profile [BPP] or Doppler flow studies)
Maternal \ Cholestasis of Pregnancy
Fetal \ Intrauterine fetal death (IUFD)
Fetal \ Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
Fetal \ Isoimmunization/Alloimmunization (eg: Rh disease)
Fetal \ Suspected Macrosomia
Fetal \ Multiple gestation
Fetal \ Other Fetal Complication
Fetal \ Post dates pregnancy ≥ 41+0 weeks
Fetal \ Termination of Pregnancy
Maternal \ Elevated Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI)
Maternal \ History of precipitous birth
Maternal \ History of previous intrauterine fetal death (IUFD)
Maternal \ In-vitro fertilization (IVF)
Maternal \ Oligohydramnios
Maternal \ Polyhydramnios
Maternal \ Preeclampsia/Hypertension
Maternal \ Pre-existing maternal medical conditions
Maternal \ Pregnant individual age >=40
Maternal \ Prelabour rupture of membranes (PROM)
Maternal \ Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM)
Other \ Accommodates Care Provider/Organization
Maternal \ Prolonged latent phase labour (> 20 hours in nulliparas or > 14 hours in multiparas)
Other \ Distance from birth hospital/Safety precaution
Maternal \ Other Obstetrical Complications/Concerns
Primary indication for Cesarean birth
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicate the primary medical or non-medical reason for cesarean section
Pick List Value:
Fetal \ Atypical or abnormal fetal surveillance (eg: NST, U/S such as BPP or Doppler flow studies)
Fetal \ Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)
Fetal \ Suspected Macrosomia
Maternal \ Cholestasis of pregnancy
Fetal \ Malposition/Malpresentation
Maternal \ Failed forceps/vacuum
Maternal \ Failed Induction
Maternal \ Gestational hypertension
Maternal \ Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Maternal \ Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
Maternal \ Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy - Eclampsia
Maternal \ Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy - HELLP
Maternal \ Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy - Preeclampsia
Maternal \ Maternal Health Condition(s)
Maternal \ Multiple gestation
Maternal \ Nonprogressive first stage of labour
Maternal \ Nonprogressive second stage of labour
Maternal \ Other Obstetrical Complication
Maternal \ Placenta Increta/Accreta/Percreta
Maternal \ Placenta previa
Maternal \ Placental abruption
Maternal \ Prelabour Rupture of Membranes (PROM) in pregnant individuals with planned Cesarean Birth
Maternal \ Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM) in pregnant individuals with planned Cesarean Birth
Maternal \ Previous Cesarean birth
Maternal \ Previous T incision/classical incision/uterine surgery
Maternal \ Previous uterine rupture
Maternal \ Suspected chorioamnionitis
Maternal \ Uterine rupture
Maternal \ VBAC - Declined VBAC
Maternal \ VBAC - Failed attempt
Maternal \ VBAC - Not eligible
Other \ Accommodates Care Provider/Organization
Fetal \ Other Fetal Indication
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indication whether episiotomy was performed and type of incision.
Healthcare Provider who caught/delivered baby
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Identify the health care provider who actually caught/delivered (had hands on) the baby. Select one. This field is entered by midwives and hospital staff so the language 'caught' refers to midwifery and 'delivered' refers to hospital settings. If the person who caught/delivered the baby is not a health care provider, select 'Unattended (None)'.
Pick List Value:
Other Healthcare Provider
MW - Planned Location of Birth
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Location where client intends to give birth at the onset of labour. Note: for a scheduled cesarean section, select Hospital.
Maternal Disposition Date
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Maternal Disposition Date
Maternal Disposition Date In Labour
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Maternal Disposition Date In Labour
Maternal Disposition Time
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Maternal Disposition Time
Maternal Disposition Time In Labour
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Maternal Disposition Time In Labour
Time Fully Dilated
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
The time (24 hour clock) at complete cervical dilation (dilatation). If Time Fully Dilated (e.g. baby born on route to hospital) is unknown then estimate based on Time Started Pushing and Time of Birth. If Time Started Pushing is prior to Time Fully Dilated then Time Started Pushing=Time Fully Dilated.
Date Fully Dilated
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
The date (day, month, year) at complete cervical dilation (dilatation). To be completed with the Time Fully Dilated data element.
Date & Time Fully Dilated Not Provided
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Date & Time Fully Dilated Not Provided
Time Fully Dilated Not Provided
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Time Fully Dilated Not Provided
Time Started Pushing
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
The time (24 hour clock) when mother initiates pushing. If Time Started Pushing (e.g. baby born on route to hospital) is unknown then estimate based on Time of Birth. Time Started Pushing should not be before Time Fully Dilated but the encounter can be submitted if Time Started Pushing is up to 5 hours before.
Date Started Pushing
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
The date (day, month, year) when mother initiates pushing. To be completed with Time Started pushing
Time Started Pushing Not Provided
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Time Started Pushing Not Provided
Date and Time Started Pushing Is Known
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Date and Time Started Pushing Is Known
Group B Strep Screening Results
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Enter the result of Group B Strep Screening by vaginal/rectal swab in pregnancy. If there has been more than one swab, enter the most recent result.
Group B Strep Antibiotics
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indication that mother was treated with antibiotics for Group B Streptococcus in the intrapartum period.
Labour and Birth Complications
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicate all intrapartum complications during this labour and birth.
Pick List Value:
Atypical or abnormal fetal surveillance
Nonprogressive first stage of labour
Nonprogressive second stage of labour
Retained Placenta Manual Removal
Retained Placenta Surgical Removal
Postpartum hemorrhage (within 1st hour of birth)
Pregnancy Related Complications, not including Hypertension or Diabetes
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
All complications experienced during this pregnancy, except for hypertension or diabetes as these conditions are captured in separate data elements.
Pick List Value:
Fetal \ Isoimmunization/Alloimmunization
Fetal \ Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR)
Maternal \ Anemia unresponsive to therapy
Maternal \ Antepartum Bleeding (Persistent and unexplained)
Maternal \ Cancer - diagnosed in this pregnancy
Maternal \ Haemotology - Gestational thrombocytopenia
Maternal \ Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Requiring Hospital Admission)
Maternal \ Liver/Gallbladder - Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
Maternal \ Liver/Gallbladder - Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
Maternal \ Neurology - Epilepsy/Seizures - Seizure occurred in current pregnancy
Maternal \ Prelabour rupture of membranes (PROM)
Maternal \ Preterm labour
Maternal \ Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM)
Maternal \ Pulmonary - Asthma occurred during current pregnancy
Placental \ Placenta accreta
Placental \ Placenta increta
Placental \ Placenta percreta
Placental \ Placenta previa
Placental \ Placental Abruption
MW - EMS Attend Home in Birth or Immediate Postpartum.
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
MW - EMS Attend Home in Birth or Immediate Postpartum.
MW - EMS Attend Home in Labour
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
MW - EMS Attend Home in Labour
ID of Health Care Provider Attending Birth
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Identification number of most responsible health care provider attending the birth. Unique ID may be entered for internal organization use only. This is an optional field that can be left blank. The code entered in this field may consist of letters, numbers, or a combination of both.
Maternal Outcome
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
Indicate where care was provided to mother from time of birth to one hour post-birth (Labour-Birth Mother encounter) or one hour post-birth to time of discharge or transfer (Postpartum Mother encounter).
Pick List Value:
Transfer to other hospital/organization
Transfer to other non-obstetrical unit, same hospital
Maternal Death - Not related to Pregnancy or Birth
Maternal Death - Related to Pregnancy or Birth
Maternal Outcome in Labour
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Maternal Outcome in Labour
Pick List Value:
Transfer to other hospital/organization
Transfer to other non-obstetrical unit, same hospital
Maternal Death - Not related to Pregnancy or Birth
Maternal Death - Related to Pregnancy or Birth
Forceps/vacuum used vaginally
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates instruments used to attempt and/or successfully assist a vaginal birth. Do not include if these instruments were used during a cesarean birth only.
GBS Screening Date
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Enter the date of Group B Strep Screening. If there has been more than one swab, enter the most recent date.
GBS Screening Date is Unknown Flag
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
GBS Screening Date is Unknown FlagGBS Screening Date is Unknown Flag
GBS Screening Not Done Reason
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Select the reason Group B Strep screening was not done.
Pick List Value:
Previous baby with GBS disease
Other Care Providers at time of labour and/or birth
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Other Care Providers at time of labour and/or birth. Optional.
Pick List Value:
Clinical Nurse Specialist/Nurse Practitioner (CNS/NP)
Other Care Providers at time of labour and/or birth - Comment
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Other Care Providers at time of labour and/or birth - Comment
VBAC Planned Flag
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates if VBAC was ever planned during this pregnancy.
Progesterone taken daily
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Progesterone taken daily for spontaneous preterm birth prevention, any time after 16 weeks gestation. Does not include progesterone used only in first trimester.
ASA (aspirin) taken daily
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
ASA (aspirin) taken daily for preeclampsia prevention, any time after 12 weeks’ gestation (Do NOT include if aspirin is used only in first trimester)
Is the pregnant person a gestational carrier?
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Gestational Carrier: Person carrying embryo/fetus who will not be the intended parent of this child.
Date of positive COVID-19 diagnosis
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
The date, if known, of a positive COVID-19 test during this pregnancy.
Was the patient ever hospitalized due to COVID-19 specifically?
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates whether the person was admitted to hospital during this pregnancy specifically for respiratory or other issues related to COVID-19.
Blood Group and Type of Pregnant Individual, ABO/Rh(D)
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
The ABO blood group and the presence (+) or absence (-) of the Rh factor of the pregnant individual.
Antibody Screen Result
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates whether the results of the antibody screen of the pregnant individual was positive or negative. A negative screen indicates that no atypical antibody was detected, and a positive screen indicates that an atypical antibody was detected.
Rh(D) Immunoglobulin Administration in Pregnancy
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates if the pregnant individual has received an injection of Rh(D) Immunoglobulin during the current pregnancy and the number of doses they have received.
Pick List Value:
Yes, number of doses unknown
Date of Antenatal Rh(D) Immunoglobulin Dose (latest prior to birth)
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates the date that the latest Rh(D) Immunoglobulin dose was given to the pregnant individual prior to birth.
Date of Antenatal Rh(D) Immunoglobulin Dose (latest prior to birth) Is Unknown
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates that the date that the latest Rh(D) Immunoglobulin dose was given to the pregnant individual prior to birth is not known.
Initial cervical dilation (cm) upon hospital admission for labour and birth
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
The cervical dilation (cm) of the initial internal examination performed (if applicable) when admitted to hospital for care during labour and birth.
Pick List Value:
Declined cervical examination
Cervical ripening/induction methods (excluding oxytocin)
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates all cervical ripening (mechanical and medical) and induction methods used, excluding oxytocin.
Pick List Value:
Prostaglandin (PGE2)(eg: Cervidil/Prepidil/Prostin gel)
Mechanical (Foley catheter)
Oxytocin use any time before birth
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates oxytocin administration to induce and/or augment labour, prior to birth.
Cervical dilation at start of oxytocin
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
The cervical dilation (cm) either immediately prior to, or if not examined immediately prior to, the last documented cervical dilation prior to the administration of oxytocin.
Pick List Value:
Declined cervical examination
Start date and time of oxytocin
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
The date and time when oxytocin was administered for induction/augmentation of labour (does not include postpartum oxytocin administration).
Date at start of oxytocin is unknown
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
The date and time when oxytocin was administered for induction/augmentation of labour (does not include postpartum oxytocin administration) is not known.
Membrane rupture
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates the type of rupture of fetal membranes, 'breaking of the bag of waters', as either spontaneous (SROM), occurring without intervention, or artificial (AROM, ARM), occurring with intervention by amniotomy.
Pick List Value:
Artificial rupture of membranes
Spontaneous rupture of membranes
Date and time of membrane rupture
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Date and time the fetal membranes ruptured (breaking of the 'bag of waters') either spontaneously (SROM) or artificially, known as artificial rupture of membranes (AROM, ARM)
Date and time of membrane rupture is unknown
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Date and time the fetal membranes ruptured (breaking of the 'bag of waters'), either spontaneously (SROM) or artificially, known as artificial rupture of membranes (AROM, ARM) is not known.
Date and time of latent phase onset
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates onset of latent phase of labour, defined as a period of time (not necessarily continuous) where there are painful contractions and some cervical change, including cervical effacement and dilation up and including 3 cm.
Date and time of latent phase onset is unknown
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates that the onset of latent phase of labour, defined as a period of time (not necessarily continuous) where there are painful contractions and some cervical change, including cervical effacement and dilation up and including 3 cm, is not known.
Date and time of active phase onset
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Active labour is the presence of regular contractions leading to cervical effacement and dilatation at 4 cm or greater in a nulliparous person, or 4 to 5 cm dilatation in a multiparous person.
Date and time of active phase onset is unknown
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Date and time placenta delivered
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Date and time placenta was delivered. If not known, select "Unknown".
Date and time placenta delivered is unknown
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Date of time placenta was delivered is not known.
Type of Conception
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Method of conception for this pregnancy; indicates if reproductive assistance was required to achieve current pregnancy
Pick List Value:
Intrauterine insemination alone
Intrauterine insemination with ovulation induction but no IVF
Ovulation Induction without IVF ( ie clomid or FSH)
Cannabis Exposure in pregnancy
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Cannabis use during this pregnancy, expressed as the frequency of use (not dose or route).
Pick List Value:
Less than 1 day per month
Some use, but frequency unknown
Perineal Laceration
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates all types of tears that occurred during the birthing process and the highest degree of perineal tear, if applicable. Select all that apply.
Barriers to maternal transfer
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicate all barriers to maternal transfer. Barriers to Maternal Transfer is a conditional field that is only visible and required when a baby is born with a low GA at birth at a hospital with a lower Level of Care (LOC) and does not transfer to a higher level of care hospital:
Level I < 36 + 0 weeks
Level IIa < 34 + 0 weeks
Level IIb < 32 + 0 weeks
Level IIc < 30 + 0 weeks
Level III (Not applicable)
Pick List Value:
Inclement weather or environmental barrier
Insufficient time to transport
No Bed at Higher level of care \ No maternal bed
No Bed at Higher level of care \ No neonatal bed
No Bed at Higher level of care \ No maternal and neonatal bed
Transport resources not available
Deemed unsafe to transfer by sending/receiving institute \ For maternal reasons
Deemed unsafe to transfer by sending/receiving institute \ For fetal reasons
Type of Birth
Birth Child (BC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
Indicates vaginal or cesarean birth.
Dilation at Cesarean birth (cm)
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
If cesarean section decision made in first stage of labour, measurement of cervical dilation (dilatation) during active labour in centimetres. Measurement taken just prior to decision for cesarean section is made.
Pick List Value:
Declined cervical examination
Type of CS
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicate if cesarean section was planned (as scheduled), planned (not as scheduled), or unplanned.
Pick List Value:
Planned (not as scheduled)
Antenatal Steroids
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indication that corticosteroid medication was administered between 24-34 weeks gestation to mother at risk of preterm birth
Pick List Value:
1 dose < 24 hours (before the time of birth)
2 doses: Last Dose < 24 hours (before the birth)
2 doses: Last Dose > 24 hours (from the time of the last dose to the time of birth)
Prenatal RSV vaccine administered?
Antenatal General, Labour & Birth Mother
Data Definition:
Indicates if the prenatal RSV vaccine was administered during this pregnancy.
Date of Prenatal RSV vaccine administration
Antenatal General, Labour & Birth Mother
Data Definition:
The date when the prenatal RSV vaccine was administered during this pregnancy.
Date of Prenatal RSV vaccine administration Is Unknown
Antenatal General, Labour & Birth Mother
Data Definition:
The date of the prenatal RSV vaccine is not known.
Prenatal RSV product
Antenatal General, Labour & Birth Mother
Data Definition:
Product name of the prenatal RSV product that was given during this pregnancy.
Prenatal RSV product, Other
Antenatal General, Labour & Birth Mother
Data Definition:
Product name of the prenatal RSV product that was given during this pregnancy.
MW - Midwife Number - Coordinating
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
The provider number of the midwifery care coordinator. This can be the same or a different provider number as that selected as the billing midwife.
MW - Midwife Number - Primary Attending
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
The provider number of the Primary Attending Midwife at the birth. Leave blank if no Midwife attended the labour, birth or immediate postpartum.
MW - Midwife Number - Second Midwife
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
The provider number of the Second Midwife at the labour, birth or immediate postpartum. Leave blank if no Second Midwife attended. This number must be different than the provider number of the Primary Attending Midwife.
MW - Second Attendant Type if no Second Midwife
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
If no Second Midwife, indication of type of second attendant at birth.
Pick List Value:
Qualified Second Attendant
MW - Midwife Attend Birth
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
Indication of whether a midwife attended the birth.
MW - Billability Type
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
Birth order of each baby (Twin A= first born, Twin B=second born), irrespective of live birth or stillbirth.
Pick List Value:
No- Less than 12 weeks of care and no-midwife-attended birth
No-Care also provided and billed by another practice
No-Non-resident or privately insured
Yes- Partial payment (religious or cultural reasons)
Yes-12 weeks of care and/or midwife attended birth
MW - Care by other MPG
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
Indicates that care was provided to this client by another Ontario Midwifery Practice Group.
MW - Intrapartum Transfer of Care
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
MW - Intrapartum Transfer of Care
MW - Discharge from Midwifery care during intrapartum/immediate Postpartum
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
MW - Discharge from Midwifery care during intrapartum/immediate Postpartum
MW - Client OHIP coverage
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
Client OHIP coverage.
MW - Intrapartum Period Transfer of Care Returned
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
For each transfer from midwifery care, indication of whether care was returned in the intrapartum period.
Total Number of midwives providing care
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
Total number of midwives providing care, determined at time of discharge from midwifery care.
MW - Discharge Date from Midwifery Care
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
The calendar date of the last midwife visit provided to the client prior to discharge from midwifery care.
MW - Consult/Transfer of Care/Emergency Flag
Antenatal General (AG), Birth Child (BC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
Indicates if there were there any consults, transfers of care, or use of hospital/outpatient/emergency services during that period.
MW - Maternal Consult Reason Other
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
Other maternal condition or complication
MW - Consult Reason Comments
Antenatal General (AG), Birth Child (BC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
BORN collects this variable but due to personal health information (PHI) or sensitivity it is not available for data request.
Data Definition:
Comments about the reason for the consult, transfer of care or the use of hospital/outpatient/emergency services.
MW - Maternal Transport to Hospital Flag in Birth or Immediate Postpartum.
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
MW - Maternal Transport to Hospital Flag in Birth or Immediate Postpartum.
MW - Maternal Transport to Hospital Flag
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
MW - Maternal Transport to Hospital Flag
MW - Reason(s) for Transport in Birth or Immediate Postpartum.
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
MW - Reason(s) for Transport in Birth or Immediate Postpartum.
Pick List Value:
Fetal well-being concerns
Other maternal condition or complication
Other fetal condition or complication
MW - Reason(s) for Transport Prior to Birth
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
MW - Reason(s) for Transport Prior to Birth
Pick List Value:
Fetal well-being concerns
Other maternal condition or complication
Other fetal condition or complication
MW - Primary Reason for Transport Prior to Birth in Birth or Immediate Postpartum.
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
MW - Primary Reason for Transport Prior to Birth in Birth or Immediate PostPartum
Pick List Value:
Fetal well-being concerns
Other maternal condition or complication
Other fetal condition or complication
MW - Primary Reason for Transport Prior to Birth
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
MW - Primary Reason for Transport Prior to Birth
Pick List Value:
Fetal well-being concerns
Other maternal condition or complication
Other fetal condition or complication
MW - EMS Transport Flag in Birth or Immediate Postpartum.
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates if Emergency Medical Services (EMS) was required for transport to hospital during intrapartum or immediately postpartum.
MW - EMS Transport Flag (Prior to Birth)
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates if Emergency Medical Services (EMS) was required for transport to hospital prior to birth.
MW - EMS Transport Barrier in Birth or Immediate Postpartum.
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Any barrier to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) transport intrapartum or immediately postpartum.
Pick List Value:
Delayed arrival time of EMS
MW - EMS Transport Barrier in Labour
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Any barrier to Emergency Medical Services (EMS) transport during labour.
Pick List Value:
Delayed arrival time of EMS
Did midwife attend client at home at any point during labour?
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Select "yes" if midwife attended to the client at home, at any point in labour.
MW - MW At Birth Flag
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indicates if there was there a known midwife or midwifery student at the birth.
MW - Birth Centre of Labour
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Birth Centre where labour occurred
Components of third stage management employed: (unrelated to corrective measures for bleeding)
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Components of third stage management employed: (unrelated to corrective measures for bleeding)
Pick List Value:
Unknown – midwife was NOT most responsible provider during birth
Was the baby born in water
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Was the baby born in water
Maternal Position at Time of Birth
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Maternal Position at Time of Birth
Was this a planned water birth?
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Was this a planned water birth?
Maternal Transport to Hospital Stage
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Prior to birth, when was the maternal transport to hospital? (First Stage or Second Stage)
MW - Intrapartum Consult
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Indication of whether there was a consultation with a physician for each listed Maternal condition or complication in the intrapartum period.
MW - Actual Location of Labour
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Select all places where midwifery client laboured
Client discharged from midwifery care prior to giving birth flag.
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Client discharged from midwifery care prior to giving birth flag.
Was rationale for transfer of care due to hospital/physician protocol?
Antenatal General (AG), Birth Child (BC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
There are multiple reasons why a midwife may choose to transfer care, including midwifery judgement, scope of practice limitations as defined by the midwifery regulatory body, and hospital/physician protocol. Was this consultation/transfer of care ONLY because of hospital/physician protocol?
Was rationale for consult due to hospital/physician protocol?
Antenatal General (AG), Birth Child (BC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
There are multiple reasons why a midwife may choose to consult, including midwifery judgement, scope of practice limitations as defined by the midwifery regulatory body, and hospital/physician protocol. Was this consultation/transfer of care ONLY because of hospital/physician protocol?
Date and time of midwife’s arrival to home to attend labour and birth.
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Enter the date/time that the first midwife arrived at the home (or clinic) to attend labour and birth
Date and time of midwife’s arrival to home to attend labour and birth is Uknown
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Date and time of midwife’s arrival to home to attend labour and birth is Uknown
Date and time of midwife’s departure from the home following birth.
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Enter the date/time that the last midwife who attended the birth departed from the home following birth
Date and time of midwife’s departure from the home following birth is Unknown
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Date and time of midwife’s departure from the home following birth is Unknown
MW - Was care of client transferred back to midwifery
Birth Child (BC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
MW - Unreturned Transfer of Care
Antenatal General (AG), Birth Child (BC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Newborn Date of Birth
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Infant date of birth (day/month/year).
Birth Location
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), NSO Diagnostic Evaluation Report Form (DERF), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Location where the birth occurred (hospital, home, other, etc.).
Time of Birth
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Time when infant is born (24 hour clock).
Gestational Age at Birth (weeks+days; calculated using EDB and DOB)
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Postpartum Child (PPC)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Infant's gestational age at the time of birth calculated using "Estimated Date of Birth" and "Newborn Date of Birth" data elements in weeks and days.
MW - Infant Discharged with Mother
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
For hospital births, indication of whether newborn was discharged with mother.
MW - Midwife Number - Billing
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
The midwife's billing number for this course of care.
EDB Determined By
Antenatal General (AG), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Multiple Marker Screening (MMS), Amniotic fluid alpha fetoprotein (AFAFP)
Data Definition:
Method by which the estimated date of birth was determined for prenatal screening
Pick List Value:
1st trimester dating ultrasound
Assisted reproductive technology
Obstetrical clinical estimate (includes S-F height)
Antenatal General (AG), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Indicates the number of deliveries (including live births and stillbirths) where pregnancies reached viable gestational age (minimum 20 weeks). When completed postnatally, parity includes current birth for HBHC
Antenatal General (AG), Birth Child (BC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Name of Hospital Site.
Fetus ID
CARTRPLUS Cycle (ART), Genetics/Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Multiple Marker Screening (MMS), Amniotic fluid alpha fetoprotein (AFAFP)
BORN collects this variable but due to personal health information (PHI) or sensitivity it is not available for data request.
Data Definition:
Fetal ID of a multiple pregnancy
Birth Order
Birth Child (BC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Birth order of each baby (Twin A= first born, Twin B=second born, etc.) irrespective of live birth or stillbirth.
MW - MPG Name
Antenatal General (AG), Birth Child (BC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Name of Midwifery Practice Group
Reason for maternal transfer (From)
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
Data Definition:
Indicates the primary Reason for maternal transfer (From)
Pick List Value:
Lack of physician coverage
Maternal medical/obstetrical problem
Birth outside of hospital prior to admission
Keeping baby and mother together
Reason for maternal transfer (To) (In Birth)
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Reason for maternal transfer (To) (In Birth)
Pick List Value:
Lack of physician coverage
Maternal medical/obstetrical problem
Birth outside of hospital prior to admission
Reason for maternal transfer (To) in Labour
Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
Data Definition:
Reason for maternal transfer (To) in Labour
Pick List Value:
Lack of physician coverage
Maternal medical/obstetrical problem
Birth outside of hospital prior to admission
Birth Hospital
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), NSO Diagnostic Evaluation Report Form (DERF), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
The name of the hospital where the birth occurred if Birth Location =hospital. Includes all Ontario hospitals with and without birthing units and some out of province and out of country hospitals.